Iron Man II


Tasked with creating an interactive graphic environment on a scale that had never been seen before on film, Zai created that proof of concept animations that would later become the hologram sequences in Jon Favreau’s Iron Man II. Zai was chosen to be the Director of 3d, CG Supervisor, TD overseeing every single shot in the film that would use these graphics. His animation designs of Tony Stark’s J.A.R.V.I.S. system’s holograms have since become reference points in the similar graphics of later Iron Man and Avengers films. Additionally, they have provided inspiration for real-life designers of interactive holographic interfaces and technology.




Creative Studio:  Prologue
Director of 3D:  Zai Ortiz
CG Supervisors/Technical Directors:  Zai Ortiz, Miles Lauridsen
Designers:  Ilya Abulhanov, Paul Mitchell, Danny Yount
Executive Producer:  Kyle Cooper
Producers:  Ian Dawson, Elizabeth Newman
Animators:  Alasdair Wilson, Jorge Alameida, Troy Barsness,
Kevin Clarke, Morris May, Darren Sumich, Jonny Sidlo, Takayuki Sato,
Kyung Park, Joey Park, Alvaro Segura, Man Louk Chin, Daniel Kloehn
Compositors:  Chad Buehler, Christopher DeCristo, Sam Edwards,
Christopher Moore, Brett Reyenger, Matt Trivan, Renee Tymn


St. Noire


The Elder Scrolls: Legends